Sunday, September 09, 2007


God is a creation of the human mind to alleviate the sufferings of the real world which arise from its contradictions with the nature and its fellow beings. The idea of 'God' has evolved with the evolution of human mind from the hunter-gatherer days to the present day world. The ancient 'Gods' from Zeus to Poseidon to Aphrodite in the Europas and Hevioss and Col in the Africas have all become extinct and have evolved in to the modern day species of Jesus, Allah and Ram. As humans resolved the contradictions of life through the advancement of human mind or in other words advancement of Science, each one of the old age gods phased out forming new age gods which cater to the newer contradictions in life i.e. from the Gods of thunder, fire and sea to the god of rain (the main stay god for the farmers) to the modern day 'all-in-one' gods which deal with ur financial insecurities to ur health problems.

God doesn't exist so the quesiton of turning to the non-existent god never arises. However the idea of God is a great emotional support for the theists which the atheists wouldn't have during their hard times.

I would also like to add that I'm not for academic atheism which a lot of atheists indulge in. God exists because of the contradictions of life and the idea of God itself would phase away when these contradictions of life are resolved. A real life example is in countries of Sweden, Norway and Denmark which have almost of 80% of their population as non-theists. The welfare capitalist system in these countries which provide free education and health care have resolved some of the contradictions and hence nullified the need of the modern day gods. The below link is about the contemporary rates and patterns of Atheism across the globe:


Blogging is not something that comes naturallyto me. Especially not when it comes to writing about personal life etc. What I do enjoy doing is writing my views on articles, however concise they might be.

That's where where I put down all my thoughts. Please peek in.